
The cancelled Dutch Grand Prix’s

Only a week left and the engines will Vrooooam around the track at Zandvoort. It will be the 37th Dutch Grand Prix that happens at the circuit laying in between the dunes of Zandvoort.  The last two editions were won by Max Verstappen, and probably he will win the 38th edition as well. However, there […]

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Just another F1 2020 season review

What can we say about the 2020 season? It is the most insane and perhaps strangest F1 season after we started racing again after the war. We landed in Australia, we were ready to race though covid-19 decided different. We had to be patient for a couple of months. However, eventually we would race again, […]

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Historic Grand Prix Zandvoort

Historic Grand Prix Zandvoort 2020

Last weekend the ninth edition of the Historic Grand Prix at Zandvoort was held. However, this year was different from others years.  There were les race series than previous years and there was no historic stage setting. Was this an issue for this year’s event?  If you ask me this, I will say no it […]

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San Marino

The Formula 1 returns to San Marino!

The 2020 season started badly with the Covid-19 epidemic raging on the world. However, 2020 seems to become the most interesting season since years! With the Grand Prix of San Marino as the cherry on the cake. Named as Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix it will re-appear in the Formula 1.Yes, we are back on our beloved […]

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Formule BRL

De Formule BRL maakt alsnog haar debuut

Na jaren van onderwaardering, een verloederde nationale autosport kalender met niet veel noemenswaardige race series is er eindelijk weer een race klassen om naar uit te kijken. De Formule BRL! Eindelijk is er dadelijk weer een nationale Formule klassen op de circuits te vinden, en ja ook op het circuit waar Max Verstappen in Mei […]

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Aston Martin

Lawrence Stroll and Aston Martin

I’m not sure when I heard for the first time that Lawrence Stroll is “involved” with the plan to buy Aston Martin or buying the majority of the shares with a consortium to rescue the car company. Since their introduction on the London Stock Exchange, the company’s stock has dropped by 75%, while the car […]

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XXXV Grote prijs van Nederland in 2020?

Oké ik ben klaarblijkelijk een van de weinige die geen voorstander van een Nederlandse Grand Prix, omdat ik het vertrouwen mis dat de Grand Prix na drie jaar nog steeds goed bezocht zal worden door de Nederlandse race Fans. Nu kwam dus het nieuws naar buiten dat de gemeente Zandvoort 4 miljoen zou willen vrij […]

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Dutch Grand Prix

Who will host the Dutch Grand Prix?

Its a matter of time before the Dutch Grand Prix will be held 2019, 2020 or 2021. It is more the question on which circuit it will be. Both Circuit Zandvoort and TT-Circuit Assen have the capacity to host the Grand Prix. Rumours about stillborn circuit are arriving as well. Who will host the Dutch […]

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